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Strange coincidences? Odd objects on the surface of Mars

2021. május 08. - Marsfigyelő


Walking in the nature and taking pictures of the terrain, different land forms sounds a nice and relaxing occupation, when we do not expect to see anything else, but hills, mountains, plants and animals. Sometimes we see a cave, or a nest on a tree, maybe a spider-netting, but not expecting any artificial apart from these. Also, when we have been receiving images for the last 20 years from a planet what considered -and confirmed- uninhabited, with the absence of air (1% density comparing to Earth officially) and (fresh) water, we also do not expect to encounter with objects what are signs of an intelligent life. Even if the conditions of those objects could be called ruins.

However, discoveries of certain items on the images made by Mars rovers suggest something very different to Us form the official narrative. Sometimes we can say that natural elements leave odd shapes and rocks, land-forms could look like something made artificially, or at least it reminds Us to something as Man-created. To be honest it never happened to me, but I can imagine that it could happen. Once, may be twice.

But if it happens somewhere regularly, where it is not supposed to be at all, and there are a wide scale of completely different gadgets -with a lot of fine details sometimes-, then it raises a few questions. At least - and maybe the most important- one question: Why nobody at the official institutes (space agencies, organizations) are all silent about these discoveries? This is not supposed to be the job of (hundreds of) thousands of amateur individuals, who take the effort to check the enormous Mars-rover images inch by inch, and share the new information....

And what would be those phenomenons? Let Us have a look on some of them, with a source link. The images were not modified, only enlarged. All pictures can be found and verified by anyone using the source links.

The first image is from Martine Grainey, who found a very odd helmet-like object. Unfortunately the rover did not make an other picture from the other side to see wheter or not  there are the same shapes on each side....


The official image can be checked on the following link:

The next figure has another very odd thing on it. I do not know what is that, but I certainly do not find any natural object like that when I take a walk on the seaside...This discovery was published by Gallego Arjona Manuel:




And the original image to be found here:

Another image from the same (amateur) researcher, looks to be something like a broken key, for me could be anything but natural:


It really does not seem to be a piece of rock. The link of the genuine:

We are not experiencing a single case here. There are several discoveries every day, makes a few thousand back in time. This website presents only the best findings, thanks for the diligent researchers. Like Gallego Arjona Manuel. Here is one more from his collection, what looks like a scissor:


Let's enlarge it:



We cannot confirm if it really is an intelligent-made item, because there is no other source we could use. But by the law of the large numbers, it can be stated that the probability of artificial origin of these things are nearly 100 per cent. Certainly worth for further research.

Here is the link to the official image above:

We could say that there is a lot of things what we could see on Earth normally (maybe even at the scrapyard). But not all of them are like that. The following phenomenon is something different looks to be a transportation vehicle or ship, but also can be a building:


The official image can be checked here:



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